Who is?
He was born in Genoa in 1451 and died in Valladolid in 1506, Cristobal Colon was a maj
or character in the story because it gave the meeting of two worlds, the discoverer of America was known as the Indian , he was one of the best known for its wonderful feats characters, it is dedicated to mapping, Colon sailed to the Canaries and then westward, reaching the island of Guanahani (San Salvador, Bahamas) on October 12, 1492,on that trip he also discovered Cuba and the Spanish. He built there first Spanish hotel in the wreck of the Santa Maria, he had reached the Asian coasts, returned to Spain with the remaining two ships in 1493.
the boats are called:
la niña
la pinta
santa maria
He came to destroy our culture is dedicated to make as much money as possible to pay off the debt of the Catholic kings and all disfrasado as a Christian cross and at his first trips I did not find the gold supplied with indigenous slaves.
in short we can say that is a very important character in the history of humanity artistic and although come to loot and steal our wealth , also came to give birth to a religion and new customs, and also to bring animals and food, open routes trade and tourism.